Friday, March 7, 2014

Welcome to Origami Owl®, Team Locket Beauties

Hi there!  I am glad you're here and hope you are having a fabulous day!  I am excited to share with you all about my experiences, lessons, and successes of being an Independent Designer for Origami Owl®.  I am a full-time mom with two (almost three!) boys and while I love being home with them, I enjoy writing and creating.  This blog, along with the rest of my Origami Owl® business and Team Locket Beauties, gives me a chance to use all of my professional skills while my boys are asleep.

In the four short months since I began, I have already enjoyed a journey of growth, fun, and beauty. All of us crave expanding, learning and succeeding and Origami Owl® has already afforded me a lot of those things. I feel so thankful to have learned of this wonderful company and to have made the decision to be part of it!

Have you heard of Origami Owl® before? It's a young direct sales company started by a 14-year-old named Bella Weems who was determined to earn enough money to buy herself a car when she turned 16. She's now 17, attending public high school, and continuing to drive the vision and culture as the Founder of the company.  Her mom, Chrissy Weems, works as President while Bella's off at school.  And what do they make? Meaningful, customizable jewelry.

All of us enjoy wearing beautiful jewelry, but the Origami Owl® vision is that it can be beautiful AND tell your own personal story, or remind you of your dreams and goals, or remember those who've passed or times gone by.  It's about holding memories and telling your story with jewelry.  I love it.  Each piece is as unique as the woman wearing it. 


The Origami Owl® Mission is a large part, after falling in love with these products, of why I decided to become part of the company. 

The other reason I decided to be part of O2? Because they really mean that mission statement above. You can see it and feel it in every newsletter, business choice, and design they put out.  It's an honest, good company with a beautiful product and I like being part of stuff like that. Don't you?

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Why I Decided to Become an Origami Owl® Independent Designer

Back in October I started having this nagging, exciting idea that I just couldn't kick.  First I tried to ignore it, then I researched it, next I discussed it, soon I dreamt about it, and finally I just couldn't resist anymore!  I decided to become an Origami Owl® Custom Jewelry Independent Designer!  (Was that a long enough title?)  

I have loved these Living Lockets® for over a year now, but didn't really consider designing until I looked into the company a bit more.  Everything I found was positive, transparent, straight-forward, beautiful, fun, well-done ... I just liked it more and more!  So even though this was a new step for me, I decided Origami Owl, with their mission to "Be a Force for Good" was just something I wanted to be part of.  I love it.

I have found so many benefits through this work:

  • I'm meeting amazing, inspiring people!
  • I have talked to more extended family members, both on Tyler's side and my side, in the last few months than during any other few months of my life. 
  • I stretch myself and feel a little bit of accomplishment by doing so.
  • I get to wear and share beautiful jewelry that is also meaningful!  
  • I get to be part of those happy moments when one human creates a gift for another.
  • I get to explore my creative side that is very often ignored!
  • I am learning new skills/software (like PicMonkey - awesome!) and practicing old ones (like keeping a Balance Sheet).
  • I make new friends.
  • I feel like a professional again!
  • I'm part of a company that celebrates paying it forward, giving to others, strengthening faith, and sharing the love. Our mission is to Be a Force for Good!
  • I'm earning a bit of extra money to help us pay off car debt, save for buying our own home, and occasionally taking my boys out to a fancy Chick-Fil-A lunch.
  • BEST OF ALL: I get to do all this in the in-between moments of full-time mothering without missing out on a thing.  

I love it! If you want to see our products go to my personal You can also shop, learn about hosting a party and even join my growing team of designers! Feel free to click around here too and see what you can find!

If you want to see some of my personal designs and follow my deals, like me on Facebook at: